Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Edgar Allan Bore Syndrome

Have you been in a situation where something is so powerful that it takes over your life? Everything else is cast in darkness, there is only one small light that grows bigger and bigger and brighter and brighter.
Or so it seems. The light is still the same size. It only seems bigger because, although you don't realize it, you're casting everything else into the shadows. One part of you is illuminated by a golden yellow lightbulb that you're attracted to like a moth to a flame. Every other aspect of your life has to make do with whatever light from the bulb reaches it, if any does at all.
What happens when that light is switched off? Your eyes aren't accustomed to the darkness, of course. You're blind to everything, nothing holds any fascination whatsoever anymore. You yearn for the light that was switched off, though a part of you knows that the light had never done anything in the first place except hurt your eyes.

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