Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Coming to think of it, this is the first time I'm writing something that I'm not going to be graded on. Writing is the easiest thing in the whole world. Getting started is about the hardest! I thought and thought, then thought some more, about what on earth I was going to put into my blog. For my first post, a little bit about my life seems alright. Entertaining, I guarantee!
I was, until half past ten this morning, a Journalism student. Several things have happened between then and now. I now study Communicative English.. bittersweet and all that. Journalism was so interesting! For the first time in my life, I came to class happily. Had brilliant teachers who made it even better.
I have also, I regret to say, broken my glasses. I've worn glasses for... let's see, close to ten years, I think. Terribly long time, I assure you. I once dropped them down three, maybe it was two, floors. Apparently, I had mastered some kind of technique as far as dropping glasses went, because they didn't break. I just nipped down and brought them back. Maybe it was also because of the fact that I did wear dreadfully unsightly plastic frames. All in good fun, I enjoyed every bit of it!
We have a new French teacher. Class was a disturbing experience. I was feeling rather sarcastic, which was lucky for me, because I had something to laugh about atleast!
Let me also tell you that I have several things I would like to talk about. Now that I have a blog and can say just about anything I want to, I intend to take full advantage of that fact. You will be subject to my opinions on this, that and the other, as 'they' say. Enjoy.